Sunday, July 13, 2014



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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Spoof Ad lol

What is the message?
The message is the announce of a World Tour by Katy Perry. 

Who is the audience for this piece?

Fans and almost all the people. 

What in the piece tells you that it was created for this audience?

Her, Katy Perry tells me is doing that because of their fans.

Is there more than one message? If so, what are the other messages? 

Well another message are the dates she's performing.

What are the techniques used to convey the message? 

All the color she uses, and her flawless. 

What is the message?
Same as the above, but its Nicolas Cage World Tour. 

Who is the audience for this piece?
Nicolas Cage's Fans.

What in the piece tells you that it was created for this audience?
His face lol.

Is there more than one message? 
Noup. Just his face and his tour.

What are the techniques used to convey the message? 
His face lol and how excited he is. 

Cake Shots!













Thursday, May 1, 2014

Part 1 Logo

Which typographic and pictorial elements are absolutely necessary in order to communicate the business of your photo biz?
- An idea of you want to sell to the public.

When the logo needs to be copied as a small, black and white image, will all elements translate well?
- Depending if the logo can be noticed by the public on the product or photo.

Is a logo mark necessary?
- Yes, it recognize and it gives a name to your product.

Is color necessary?
- No, it could be any color.

If color is necessary, what colors are appropriate?
- Any color, ones that attract your attention like red or yellow.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

20 Cats As Fonts

The fonts connects with the fonts explain more how the cats are and their mood and yeah (:
My favorite is Helvetica because it has a beanie(':

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Matching da Colors!!

-What kind of things do you see in the work?
Two silhouettes loving each other.

-How would you describe them?
Weird and unique.

-What information can you get from the credit line?
We can see the title of the painting, when it was made, and the the size, also it gives you another way to see the painting.

-What elements of art did the artist use?
Color, Line, Shape, Form.
-What Principles of Design are used?
Emphasis, unity, variety and proportion.

-What do you think this piece is about?
About two boys that like each other.

-Does the title fit?
Yes, it does. "We Two Boys Clinging Together"

*Pretend you can climb inside.
-How does the painting feel? How does it make you feel?
The painting feels blurry but lovely at the same time.
Equality for everyone.

-Would you agree with the choice of medium and colors?
Yes, all the colors represent something, so I guess blue represent them, meaning the two males and red, means to me about love.

-Does the date make a difference?
Maybe. I don't know to be honest.

-Why do you think other people should see this work?
To know more about him.

-What would you do with it if you owned it?
I would put it on my living room, i guess.

-What is worth remembering about this picture?
It's worth remembering because he painted something it hasn't seen as 'looking good in society?' by that time and he took the chance to do it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Book Inspired Composition

Book composition review

Identify the details in the painting.
What do you think they symbolize? -There are some legs without showing the whole body, but in the back of the cover there are some pictures with him standing face forward hiding his eyes, other one trying to not listen and the last one standing back.
For me they symbolize a person with trust issues because of the way his hiding his emotions and also because they use black and white filter on the photos, it gives a sad look.

Write 3 sentences about the plot of the novel based on the book cover
- Charlie is a kid who has lost his friends by terrible accidents. He's just about to start high school and he's scared of being alone. He will find some good friends that will bring nice memories to his life.

With knowledge of the plot, quick write a paragraph discussing your interpretations of the details and colors of the cover. What do you think the cover represents after you read the book?
-I found the cover kind of odd because of the color they used, its a greenish color, kinda yellowish too, it attracts your attention, but when you see it, it's like you are not interested anymore on it. The photo of the kid's legs shows that he's shy, and the photos on the back shows that he has problems with his self-esteem.
I guess they chose that color because charlie at the begging  of the book was like the book said, a wallflower, he was a shy guy, no friends, weird.. But then he starts to change and everything changes to.

For the cover I would use a black background with a white-faded silhouette standing looking down, and a bunch of black-white-faded  silhouettes standing on the back.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014